Blue Voices United strongly advocates for Safe Communities and Law Enforcement.


BVU was founded to advocate for public safety in our communities. Our goal is to endorse the candidates that have the best interests of the Nassau County communities they serve.


We support candidates who support public safety, including those that support repealing all laws that negatively impact our quality of life. 

Why We Exist

We created this committee as a voice of the community. After seeing a rise in crime and decline in quality of life, we wanted to ensure that the public is aware of the candidates who support safer neighborhoods.

Good for Law Enforcement, Great for You

We endorse Jen Desena. Jennifer DeSena was elected the 38th Supervisor of the Town of North Hempstead in November 2021. During her first year in office, Supervisor DeSena proposed a double-digit property tax cut, the single largest tax cut in Town history. 

We Want To Hear From You!

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